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| Newsflash | |
im Bäder- und Saunawesen
Nach fast 10 Jahren wurde die ON M 6216 "Schwimm- und Badebecken - Anforderungen an Beckenhydraulik und die Wasseraufbereitung" - mit einigen wichtigen Neuerungen - neu heraus gegeben.
Aber auch die EN 15288 und andere Bestimmungen werden in der zukünftigen Planung, Errichtung und im Betrieb besonders zu beachten sein.
Mehr zu diesem Thema... zur Infobox hinzufügen 04.04.2008 | Apr.04, 08
Bad Gleichenberg
PfeifferPartner did the testings by dying and deinking all indoor and outdoor pools in accordance to the water treatment capacities. The results have been positive throughout all pools - done in stainless steel.
Becken in Edelstahl auch bei 3.000 mg Chlorid pro Liter.
> Other Details
> Contact PfeifferPartner zur Infobox hinzufügen 09.11.2007 | Nov 09, 07
NÖ. Baupreis 2007
PfeifferPartner hat "..als Planer einen wesentlichen Beitrag geleistet.." Die Verleihung des Anerkennungspreises für das Sole Felsen Bad Gmuend erfolgte durch LH Dr. Erwin Pröll am 21.11.2007 im Schloss Haindorf.
> Details
> Contact PfeifferPartner zur Infobox hinzufügen 01.11.2007 | Nov 01, 07
bsw award 2007
PfeifferPartner reached the silver medal for the most beautiful Spa and Wellness project in the Hotel category. Pfeiffer+Partner erhält die Silbermedaille in der Kategorie Hotelbäder. Die Silbermedaille wurde anlässlich der aquanale 2007 in Köln verliehen.
> Details
> Contact PfeifferPartner zur Infobox hinzufügen
| Infokorb | |
| Detailansicht | |
Aviapolis Helsinki SRV JumboPark
| | Kategorie: | Ganzjahresbäder | Planungsbeginn: | 2004 | Baubeginn: | Spring 2006 | Fertigstellung: | November 2008 | Gesamtkosten: | € 140 Mio | Wasserflaeche: | ### m² |
| The Aviapolis' recreational centre will comprise commercial outlets, a hotel,
an entertainment centre, a waterpark, a spa and a health and fitness centre.
The site reserved for the construction project covers over 84,000 gross square metres.
The overall budget for the project is about 140 million euros.
The recreational centre is physically linked by a bridge with the second largest
shopping centre in Finland, the Jumbo Centre.
Construction on the Aviapolis' recreational site was started in
spring 2006, and the site will be completed at the
beginning of November 2008.
The construction constitutes a significant project for SRV;
in witch SRV Viitoset can exploit its competence in the
management of large building projects.
Viihtymiskeskus koostuu kauppapaikoista, hotellista, vapaa-ajan viihdekeskuksesta, vesipuistosta ja kylpylätilasta sekä terveys- ja fitness –keskuksesta. Rakennettava ala on yli 84 000 bruttoneliömetriä ja hankkeen kokonaiskustannusarvio on noin 140 miljoonaa euroa. Viihtymiskeskus liittyy fyysisesti yhdyssillalla Suomen toiseksi suurimpaan ostoskeskukseen Jumboon.
Together, the Aviapolis' recreational centre and the existing Jumbo Shopping Centre
will form a uniquely extensive recreation and shopping area which, when completed,
will attract customers from a significantly large geographical area.
Aviapolis' recreational centre will be offering tourists and other travellers
wellbeing in the form of spa and other therapies, quality entertainment, a range of
leisure activities from movies to a nightclub and bowling alley as well as the
highest standard in conference and hotel facilities.
The recreational centre will comprise
Hotel (309 rooms)
Wellness clinic
Cinema complex
Bowling alley
Commercial premises
Fitness centre
Multi-storey car park for 765 cars
PfeifferPartner has been entrusted by SRV
with consulting and engineering within the Spa.
Controling and proofing of the recent state of
engineering | water treatment according to DIN;
the recent state of pool engineering | flowing systems
and attractions possibilities about
savings in technical demands or through systems of engineering,
savings in costs in pool technology or related or depending fields,
and from these depending
savings in time and periods of realization.
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PfeifferPartner Reports
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SRV Viitoset
Citron Oy, Esa Klemetti, Project Management
PfeifferPartner Reports
are documenting the emergance of a project,
where PfeifferPartner is or has been involved.
PfeifferPartner Reports | AviaSpa
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